From the Apple 2 to the MacBook Air, personal computers have come a long way in a short time. Learn about the major developments in PC history here!
History, the History of Computers, and the History of Computers in Education 1780 - Early public schools adopt the teacher/manager model with history of computers timeline the teacher as the primary manger .
WHAT THE TIMELINE IS . This timeline explores the history of computing from 1939 to 1994. Each year features illustrated descriptions of significant innovations in hardware and .
Complete computer history from B.C. to 2010 broken down in an easy to read and follow format.
History of the Internet: Timeline. By Dave Marshall . This section is a summary of some of the material contained in Hobbes' Internet Timeline and also contains sources from .
A history of computers and the inventors involved with each computer invention milestone - a timeline with detailed history features.
timeline of computer security hacker history. Hacking and system cracking appeared with the first electronic computers. Below are some important events in the history of .
A detailed history timeline of the 1990s, history of computers timeline from 1990 to 1999.
This is a searchable directory about the history of computers, computing and a timeline of the history of computers and early calculating machines has been included. Our .
Please, be patient. We have only opened this history section a few months ago. We are looking for historians who will administrate and fill in this part of the .
Listing of major computer history events during the 1980's to 1990.
David Packard and Bill Hewlett in their Palo Alto, California Garage
1200. 1617. 1450. 1687. Chinese Abacus . Napier's bones . Gutenberg press. Principia Mathematica - Isaac Newton. 1801. 1811. 1826. 1830. 1842
A capsule history of photography, from the camera obscura to the digital SLR
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