I want to find a song thats alternative or punk about love. I'd rather it be sung by a girl. I've looked through New Year's Day, Paramore, Automatic Loveletter punk rock songs about love .
If you are looking for a top-list that includes a wide variety of songs from many genres such as Pop, punk, rock, rap, blues- Check out these songs:
If you
Punk rock songs, romeo and juliet'ish theme (love can make u do things you normally wouldnt)?
Have a punk rock Valentine's Day! . Pop Punk Love Songs For that Special Punk on Valentine's Day!
While our parents reminisce about teenage love affairs when they hear Elvis Presley or The Beatles on the radio, a new crop of fat and balding 30-somethings are now feeling .
Share your favorite punk rock love song. . Now that we've given you our favorite punk rock love
punk rock songs about love
songs, we want to hear yours.
The following article lists some of the best punk rock love songs. If you thought that punk rock is all about political and rebellious songs, then probably you have .
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is einfach toll =) . Wieso wird eine Band die ihren Rauen Ton auf Grund von Gef�hlen abgelegt hat gleich als VIVA sympathisant abgestempelt?
bands i like: blink182, the used, sum41, we the kings, etc. i'm looking for a song/songs that deal with peace or love thanks ppl!
For Valentine's Day, or any other day of the year, here are 10 punk rock love songs to put together a play list for the
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